perm filename TVED[3,2]2 blob
sn#062325 filedate 1973-09-20 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
TV and E are display editors.
To learn how to use E, type: R E;TEACHâTEACH[UP,DOC]/2P
ETV is the command for editing a file with E. CETV for creating.
See TVED.DCS[UP,DOC] and TV2E.FW[UP,DOC] for information.
TV has some other features selectable by switches:
/nS = expect n pages (for files without a directory page
and > 30 pages)
/nP = start edit on page n or last page if n > number of
pages in file
/nL = same as /nP, but for line n
"CTV file.ext<RETURN>" will create a file with name "file.ext"
and begin a TV edit of the file.